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"Our aim is to help make Warrington a great place to live, in which the potential of individuals and communities can be realised. "

Warrington Advice Network

Warrington Housing Association


Housing for families, sheltered housing for the elderly, special needs accommodation, leasehold and shared ownership & support for resident & neighbourhood groups.


Managing agent of Warrington Home Improvement Agency (WHiA), a non-profit service for older, disabled and people who own their own homes or live in private rented accommodation and wish to repair, improve or adapt their homes.


LifeTime, an exciting network for older people in Warrington providing opportunities for older people to connect, be active and healthy and keep learning, part of our wider commitment to ageing well for our community.


Reinvestment in the local community, supporting other independent charities such as the Gateway, The Quays, Fairfield Old School and Credit Unions in Warrington.

the Gateway - 89 Sankey Street - Warrington - WA1 1SR


Opening Hours : Monday – Friday 09:00 - 17:00


t: 01925 246810


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