"Our objectives are to eliminate discrimination, especially racial discrimination and promote equality of opportunity and good relations."

Cheshire, Halton & Warrington
Race & Equality Centre
We are a local charity that offers a wide range of services and support around equality issues including:
Help for local organisations on best practice in equality
Training and support on equality including positive action, legal obligations, the Equality Act, action planning and monitoring
Engagement and consultation with BME communities
Support and advice for BME community organisations
Legal advice and assistance, including advocacy, in discrimination claims under the Equality Act
Campaigns and events to raise awareness of equality issues
Research on equality matters
We are based at the Unity Centre in Chester, which we also use to deliver activities and events for the local community, such as Conversational English Classes and IT access. For further information on our work at the Unity Centre see www.theunitycentre.org
Cheshire Halton & Warrington Race & Equality Centre,
The Unity Centre - 17 Cuppin Street - Chester - CH1 2BN
Opening Hours : Mon and Thurs - 10am - 4pm
Tues - 10am - 7:30pm
Wed and Fri - 10am - 12:30pm
t: 01244 400730