Money Advice Video Chat
Welcome to our Money Advice Video Chat service.
Our Money Advice Video Call Service is available: Mon-Fri 9.30am-12.30pm
As we are currently unable to offer face to face appointments, we have set up a service that allows you to access Money Advice via a virtual chat with one of our specialist advisers. Virtual calls keep you safe and means you can call at your convenience within the times we're live.
How does it work?
1) Tap the button below that says 'Start Video Call' and you will be taken to an online waiting area.
2) Whilst you are waiting you can test your camera and microphone.
3) You are then waiting in a queue for one of our Money Advice team to join you when they are ready.
Please note: you may be held in a queue at busy times. Your patience is appreciated.
Things To Think About
It's a secure service - you will not be asked to create an account and the data that you enter will not be stored.
The better your connection, the better the call. If you can watch a video online (e.g. YouTube) you can make a decent video call.
​To make the call more effective and you can get the most from your call try and find a private, well-lit area.
It's easier if our team can see you clearly so a webcam is required (you can just call us if you don't have one)
There is no charge for our service but you may be charged by using your data. A call on a WIFI connection is usually free.
More Information and Help is available below
(to read the guide you may need a PDF file viewer installed on your device)